Pit bulls have received a bad rap in the news for several years now, but the fact of the matter is that most of them are loving, gentle dogs who just want to please their humans.
Blue’s family had him for about a year. When they relocated from California to another state, they couldn’t take him with them, so they surrendered him to a shelter.
Blue’s sad face appears to show tears running down his cheeks. Although the shelter’s staff says it’s from allergies, there’s no denying that Blue looks very sad.

Everyone at the shelter felt bad for Blue. They often spoke gently to him, offered him a smile, or patted his head, but Blue remained depressed. Then, wonder of wonders, someone wanted him for her very own!
Jennifer McKay saw the video on Facebook, visited the Carson Animal Shelter (a high-kill animal shelter, and immediately fell in love with Blue. After Jennifer’s third trip to the shelter, Blue went home with her to his new forever home.
Now that he’s met and bonded with his new owner, Blue is a new dog. He’s happy sleeping on the couch and taking rides in the car. And when he’s not doing that, he likes to look at himself in the mirror. He’s probably still trying to figure out how he got so lucky as to have Jennifer McKay as his new best friend.

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