She swam in circles for hours while frantically searching for assistance after a dog fell down a deep hole. She soon became too weak and exhausted to swim any longer, and that is when she was found.

Eventually, a local saw the poor dog fearfully clinging to the well’s edge and called Animal Aid Unlimited in hopes of getting help. When the rescue crew finally located her, it seemed as though the poor canine had given up on them


She was slumped against the well wall, looking dejected, when she heard a disturbance overhead and lifted her head.


The worn-out dog gathered all her strength and started swimming in circles when she understood that help had arrived. She was thrilled to see her rescuers.



The rescuers on the roof then started slowly raising the net to safety until she was safely in their arms.

Rescuers gave the cute puppy plenty of space to rest and lots of love and hugs, which she graciously accepted, before rushing her to the doctor to make sure she wasn’t hurt. If not for the brave rescuers, the sad puppy would have drowned. She appeared to understand this and express gratitude to them for saving her life.

The adorable puppy kept swimming around the well as a rescuer was lowered down it. She gave him a cheerful greeting before letting him catch her in a net.

Below is a video showing the entire rescue of this dog.

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