He chose to save him since he was in a perilous situation, but now he is surrounded by unadulterated love.

One of those canines who appears to be lucky all the time is Griffon. The six-month-old stray had been living on the streets so long that he had given up looking for a family.


At the most improbable of places—a foreign naval installation—his wandering eventually brought him into the arms of a man who saved him.

Those who arrive alive, leave alive is the motto of the U.S. Naval Commander’s unit, and he knew it had to apply to this little soul as well, Paws of War, a nonprofit that trains service dogs for veterans and first responders, wrote on Facebook. “The little dog was seen by the U.S. Naval Commander who immediately recognized that he wouldn’t survive long alone in such a dangerous environment; scooping the pup up into his arms as he was reminded of his unit’s

After hearing about Griffon, everyone on base was eager to meet him.

The statement read, “When the Commander took on Griffon’s care, he established a great attachment with the pup who now accompanies him everywhere.” “Little Griffon became a member of the family.” Everyone who comes into contact with the puppy has a better day.

The unnamed heroic commander has decided to adopt Griffon and bring him home with him when he comes back to the country. As few details are known, Paws of War spokeswoman Gary Baumann said that the commander and Griffon will soon be reunited.

According to Baumann, Griffon is a wonderful puppy. He loves food and dogs, and he adores every dog he encounters. He’s doing really well.

We’re hoping to get together again soon,” Baumann added. The commander is from Maryland, and when Griffon returns, his wife and kids will be waiting for him.

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